
Unveil the hidden power of the divine feminine and explore the secrets of the goddess throughout history to enrich your spiritual journey.


Unveil forgotten Oracle wisdom, prophecies, and spiritual guidance while protecting against parasitical forces.

  • Wisdom

    Ancient Secrets Divine Feminine Empowerment

  • Archetypes

    Sibyls, Zayran Goddesses Mermaids

  • Realities

    Sacred Sights Oceans , The Netherworld


The wisdom of the Oracles revolves around the divine feminine force

The Great Enabler and Key to esoteric mysteries. Through this wisdom, one can unlock a profound understanding of the interconnection of all things, the cosmic laws shaping our reality, and the spiritual forces that shape our lives. This sacred knowledge, which has long remained veiled, holds transformative potential for personal growth, spiritual development, and the empowerment of individuals of all genders. Embrace the hidden teachings of the Oracles and embark on a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery.


A diverse array of practices and teachings from the Great Mother

It encompasses the wisdom of Hofriyati Sudanese Matriarchs, who were skilled in handling Zayran and Djinn entities. It delves into the arcane Sibylline and Oracle teachings, unveiling the mysteries of nature and the art of prophecy. Additionally, it explores the purpose, teachings, and allure surrounding numerous goddesses, including Makeda, Isis, Kali, Freyja, Haniel, and many more. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of knowledge and discover the profound connections between these ancient wisdom traditions and your own personal journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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Website & Mobile App Design

designers and developers


awards for digital innovation

What we do

The awards won
by our project.

5x Developer Award

2x Best Website

3x Site of the Day

2x Best Website

5x Mobile of the Day

The team

Meet our
professional team.

Project Management

— John Stamper
Project & Account Manager

— Stacey Grey
Project & Account Manager

Web Development

— Antony Mondero
Mobile & web developer

Art Direction

— Stephen Miller
Art direction & creative design

— Mark Rickson
Project & Account Manager

Creative Design

— Alex Morton
Creative designer


The great paradeigma awaits your reconnection

Through time we loosen our hold on the Initiator of life however when we consciously restore it we experience the magic of true connection to the universe.


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